Jag vet att det åtminstone finns ett par framtida HHS:are som läser min blogg ibland så därför lägger jag ut det här. Det stod om det i ATT-bladet i veckan och jag tänkte att jag kunde föra vidare meddelandet:
Information Meeting and Open House about the Bachelor Programs
March 2 between 18-21
The Stockholm School of Economics is hosting an Information Meeting and Open House on Tuesday, March 2 between 18:00-21:00 at Sveavägen 65.
During the evening, we will introduce our two bachelor programs;
• BSc in Business and Economics
• BSc in Retail Management
The information session starts with a presentation in the auditorium 18-19, and continues with an open house mingle with students, faculty and staff in the “Rotunda” in the basement.
The information session will be in held in Swedish.
If you have friends or siblings that are interested in taking a Bachelor at SSE, please tell them that they are welcome to sign up for this event by sending an email to antagning@hhs.se
SSE Communications and Marketing Department
SSE Admission and Recruitment Office
1 kommentar:
Schyst! Tack för infon. Var där förra året, men kanske skulle gå igen bara för att få insupa handelsatmosfären :)
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